Community Partner Resources

UC Santa Cruz can be a powerful partner for resilient and equitable change. Campus + Community helps identify UCSC faculty experts who will integrate your ideas to produce new knowledge that empowers social change. Furthermore, our diverse student body seeks practical, real-world learning opportunities to develop more vibrant, diverse, and sustainable communities. Want to partner with UCSC students or experts?
Community partner research and scholarship resources
Partnership building
- University of Michigan’s Ginsburg Center’s Campus-Community Partnerships Toolkit
- Chicago Beyond’s Why am I always being researched? A guidebook for community organizations, researchers, and funders to help us get from insufficient understanding to more authentic truth.
- Engage Students Service Learning Methodology Toolkit
- Community Tool Box: Several useful community action toolkits from coalition building, frameworks for change, leadership building, and grant development.
- London & Claassen article (open access): Playing for Keeps: A Long-Term Community-Engaged Research Partnership to Support Safe and Healthy Elementary School Recess
- UC Research & Innovation: Community Partnership Resources
Institutional Review Board (IRB) and research approval
- UC Research Policy Analysis and Coordination: Institutional Review Boards Explained
- UCSC’s IRB information
- Working with UCSC: Expectations & Timelines (Coming Soon)
Power building and organizing

- Willful Defiance tells the story of how Black and Brown parents and students organized to dismantle the school–to–prison pipeline in their local schools and built a movement that spread across the country.
- Collective impact is a network of community members, organizations, and institutions who advance equity by learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions to achieve population and systems level change.
- The Stanford Social Innovation Review reflects on a decade of collective impact.
Campus + Community takes a critical community-engaged approach to partnerships, which emphasizes collaborating with community organizations or members to co-create knowledge through mutually beneficial activities. This approach is meant to further the needs, goals and aspirations of local communities, and center their voices, ways of knowing, and expertise in every aspect of the project, from inception to dissemination.