Community Engagement 101
- Introductory Community Engagement Workshop Video & Slides
- Trust Building in Community-Engaged Research
- Sample Questions to Guide Continually Deeper Community-Engaged Research
- Advanced Community Engagement Workshop Video & Slides
- UC Davis Public Engagement and Scholarship. Essential Tips for Collaborative Grant-Writing with Community Partners
Campus Resources
- Community engagement experts may be available to work on your project. Contact Ned LeBlond, Managing Director at the Institute for Social Transformation to learn more.
- Community-Engaged Scholarship at UC Santa Cruz 2023 Inventory Report
- Proposal Development within the Social Sciences at UC Santa Cruz: Proposal Flowchart & At-A-Glance Roles
- UCSC Office of Research: Distinguishing Partnership Types
- Office of Research Sample MOU (Coming Soon)
- IRB Guide (Coming Soon)
- Sample Partner Invoice (Available Upon Request)
Partnership Guidance
- University of Michigan Science, Technology, and Public Policy program; Detroit Disability Power; the Detroit Justice Center; and We the People Michigan Community Partnerships Playbook: How to Create Equitable Partnerships between Technical and Community Experts
- University of Kansas, Center for Community Health and Development, Community Tool Box: Several useful community action toolkits from coalition building, frameworks for change, leadership building, and grant development.
- UCSF guides on conducting health-related community-engaged research
- National Endowment for the Arts Guide to Community-Engaged Research in the Arts and Health
- Imagining America: Public Scholar Conversation Cards & Imagination Guide
Partnership Tools
- UC Research & Innovation: Community Partnership Resources (General Resources, Community Engagement Centers, MOU Guidance)
- Imagining America Public Scholar Conversation Cards
- Campus Compact Resources to enhance scholarship, civic and community engagement
- Campus Community Partnerships for Health has many resources on its website, including information about navigating IRB.
- International Federation of the Red Cross/Red Crescent – Community Engagement in Emergencies research and tools
How can I use engaged scholarship in promotion and tenure?
Learn more about community-engaged promotion and tenure

Engaged scholarship involves a variety of research and dissemination activities, vital to the mission of higher education, that are intentional, mutually beneficial, and connect deeply with a community or public audiences through teaching, research, and/or dissemination.
Engaged scholarship is often multi-disciplinary, involving scholars and community partners across traditionally siloed disciplines and domains. This type of scholarship often integrates research, teaching, and/or service in ways that are hard to fit into traditional paradigms. In addition, the work can require significant relationship-building to create long-term trusting relationships or substantial investment in community work, to connect with various publics.
View the unedited recording of our first Campus + Community event, Valuing Engaged Scholarship in the Tenure and Promotion Process. (Note, we had some technical difficulties. Apologies, and thanks for sticking with us!)

Promotion and Tenure Engaged Scholarship Resources
University of California
Professional Organizations
Higher Education
Please email us if your department has updated its engaged scholarship guidelines or if your department wants to incorporate best practices in their reviews.
How can I involve my students in community-engaged work?
Learn more about involving students in community-engagement

Student experiences outside of the classroom and in communities transform research and scholarship from theory into practice. These invaluable experiences are facilitated through a handful of venues on campus. However, there is significant capacity for research to develop meaningful relationships locally, regionally, and abroad. The resources below will help you center communities’ needs and desires while empowering students’ capacities and ethical engagement.
Resources to involve students
Engagement in practice at UCSC
Critical service-learning approaches
Community-engaged pedagogy
How can I publish my community-engaged research and scholarship?
Learn more about publishing your community-engaged findings

Engaged scholarship generates a variety of products, some of which have not traditionally been recognized in the tenure and promotion process because they are not published in peer-reviewed venues.
Although public scholarship like opinion pieces or news articles that interview and quote scholars are generally recognized as important contributions to society, there are less well established assessment standards for the scholarly products of engaged research – including reports, briefs, websites, maps and story maps, theories of action, social media campaigns, community-based convenings, community-based art and creative works, collaborative art and performance, engaged technology and tech solutions, and others.
In addition, engaged scholarly products may include multiple co-authors and co-conveners, including community partners who contribute to the work in significant ways.
Publishing resources
Publishing your findings
Co-authoring articles with community partners
Please email us if you have a resource you’d like us to include.
Additional Reading
Books and Resources About Community-Engaged Research
Fine, Michelle, and Maria Elena Torre. 2021. Essentials of critical participatory action research. American Psychological Association.
Hoffman, Andrew J. 2021. The engaged scholar: Expanding the impact of academic research in today’s world. Stanford University Press
McLaughlin, Milbrey and Rebecca A. London. 2013. From data to action: A community approach to improving youth outcomes. Harvard Education Press.
Special Journal Issues Compiling Engaged Research
- Social Sciences, ”New Trends in Community-Engaged Research: Co-producing Knowledge for Justice,” 2022. [Open access]
- Social Sciences, “New Trends in Community-Engaged Research, Volume 2: New Voices, Critical Approaches“, 2023. [Open access]
Get Involved
National and State Organizations to Support Engaged Research
LEAD California – a statewide nonprofit organization supporting half a million university and college students, administrators, faculty, staff, and community members who, with our resources, expertise, training, and connections are creating innovative ways to ensure a healthy, just, and democratic society.
Imagining America – The Imagining America consortium (IA) brings together scholars, artists, designers, humanists, and organizers to imagine, study, and enact a more just and liberatory ‘America’ and world. Working across institutional, disciplinary, and community divides, IA strengthens and promotes public scholarship, cultural organizing, and campus change that inspires collective imagination, knowledge-making, and civic action on pressing public issues.
International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) – The Association promotes high quality trans-disciplinary research across a wide range of approaches and forms and builds the capacity of scholars, practitioners, and community partners to engage in such research.
Urban Research Based Action Network (URBAN) – URBAN is a multidisciplinary, distributed network of scholars and practitioners committed to articulating and strengthening the collaborative methods and impact, sharing findings, raising the visibility, developing career pathways and increasing the acceptance within the academy of community-based research.